Cloudflare Tutorial Overview – New – DNS, Firewall, Page Rules, HTTPS and more – UPDATE

Cloudflare is an amazing service that you can use as your website name servers – much more robust than your hosting company’s DNS capabilities PLUS they offer:
– Crypto for HTTPS and TLS control
– Firewall rules (max 5 for free accounts)
– Access for secure application access without VPN
– Page Rules (max 3 for free accounts)
– Scrape shield to protect your site from bots and hackers
– Speed, Caching, Workers, Network, Traffic, load balancing, and much more

From individuals and small companies to enterprises – you should be using Cloudflare.

Click here for the Cloudflare Overview PDF file on Dropbox

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This Cloudflare overview will help you understand their services so you don’t have to create an account just to peek inside. They are adding features all the time, and their goal is to make the Internet a safer place.

It’s amazing how much they offer, even for free accounts. If you have a website, watch this video and then add your website to Cloudflare.

If you have questions, leave a comment, and I’ll get back to you… maybe even create a video for you!

Note: At the time this video was created, I was not compensated to create the video.

UPDATE: The Cloudflare Overview page has been totally redone and is much more functional.